

Software Engineer

Bosch GmbH

Oct 2022 – Present Stuttgart, Germany
Working on Deep Learning based Sensor Fusion technology for SAE L4 Autonomous Driving. Investigating Early Fusion Object Detectors and Transformer based tracking methods.

Junior Managers Program

Bosch GmbH

Oct 2020 – Sep 2022 Stuttgart, Germany
During my rotations I acted in various different roles, ranging from Software Engineering to Technology Management and Technical Management support on Director Level.

Master Thesis Student


Oct 2019 – Mar 2020 Baden, Switzerland
Thesis title: “Data-Driven adaptive MPC using reinforcement learning”.r

Autonomous Driving Intern

Volkswagen AG

Mar 2019 – Aug 2019 Wolfsburg, Germany
I implemented and evaluated methods for improving bounding box regressors with deep learning. Moreover, I evaluated application aware loss functions.

Student Intern


Mar 2017 – Jun 2017 Torino, Italy
I Implemented a scalable UWB-based localisation system. The activity involved both the use of commercial and in-house UWB-based wearable devices in which a scalable localisation system had to be implemented in C language exploiting previous software developments.

Teaching Assistant

Politecnico di Torino

Sep 2016 – Feb 2017 Torino, Italy
I assisted first year students during the computer science programming labs.


C++ Nanodegree

See certificate

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

See certificate


Vision and state estimation for the Billiard Playing Robot of the Automatic Control Lab at ETH.

Applying Deep Learning techniques for Eye Gaze Estimation.